Kitkat Archives

Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Kitkat.

Japanese Kit Kat Selection

An array of brightly coloured KitKats from Japan

Nestlé KitKat Chunky

It's that time again.

KitKat Matcha Green Tea

Another crazy KitKat from Japan!

KitKat Cola & Lemonade

It's time to look at some more wacky KitKats from Japan.

Nestlé KitKat Sparkling Strawberry

It’s time for the final review of our week of Japanese chocolates (‘Thank God!’, I hear you cry), and it’s only fair we end with one more KitKat. This time, a pretty little pink number. Once again, we have a …

Nestlé KitKat Cookies + Chocolate Biscuit

The main reason I picked this particular variety of KitKat up from CyberCandy while ignoring such varieties as “Sweet Potato Flavor” was that it had a picture of the bar on the box, and it was quite definitely milk chocolate …

Nestlé KitKat Ohagi

It had to happen (mainly because I’ve been sitting on my own stash of KitKats for over a week). This is my first proper Japanese Kit Kat review (having shared duties with Dom on the Ito En Vegatable KitKat) and …

Nestlé KitKat Milk Coffee

It’s time for another KitKat form Japan, and once again, this takes the form of two pairs of individually wrapped white chocolate KitKat fingers. Part of me had been hoping for milk chocolate for a coffee flavoured KitKat, so I …

Nestlé KitKat Raspberry & Passion Fruit

How KitKat’s became so popular in Japan is a mystery to me. This simple little snack was originally created in Yorkshire by Rowntree’s in the 1930s, and for a long time didn’t do anything particularly interesting. For as long as …

Nestlé KitKat with Ito En Vegetable Juice

Simon and I both had one of these ‘Vegetable’ flavour Japanese KitKats, so we thought we’d both give our opinion on it… Simon’s Take The first surprise comes when you split open the wrapper and discover that the contents are …

Nestlé KitKat Ginger Ale

I picked up this particular KitKat in CyberCandy’s London store. I didn’t let the staff know who I was, so I actually had to pay for it (shocking!). I will say that it’s a nice little shop, clean and well …

Nestlé KitKat Mini Maple

KitKat time again! This time we have a bag of 13 mini KitKats from Japan supplied by J-List. I’m told this particular flavour is in honour of the Winter Olympics in Canada and is made with real maple syrup, but …

Nestlé KitKat Little With Chilli

It’s Japan week on Chocablog! Why? Because we said so! Also, because the lovely people at J-List sent us a big box of chocolatey fun from Japan.. and because Simon has been acquiring more goodies from his growing circle of …

Nestlé KitKat Cherry (Japan)

Time for another strange bar from my box of weird and wacky chocolate-related presents. This time, a Cherry KitKat. Or at least, I’m pretty sure that’s what it is because my Japanese is non-existent and I’m relying on the instantly …

Nestlé KitKat 70% & Aero 70%

Well, this was a big surprise. It turns out that Canada, being the forward thinking country that it is, has taken it upon itself to pump up the cocoa solids in their KitKat and Aero bars to a whopping 70%. …

KitKat Chunky Caramel

Way back in the mists of time (July 2006 to be precise), I reviewed KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter and found it to be one of the most awful chocolate bars I’d ever tasted. Judging by the comments on that particular …

KitKat Chunky Cookies & Cream

I love the new KitKat Dark and am quite partial to the milk chocolate KitKat Chunky or Chunky caramel when I’m starving but was put off any new flavours in the chunky range by the very ordinary Cookie Dough I …

KitKat Dark

There is a god after all. I’ve pontificated on before about the wonders of dark chocolate and yet I’ve always been partial to the odd KitKat or seven. Classic or chunky, they’re both good but to see it now available …

KitKat Senses

Other countries may get new KitKat varieties on a daily basis, but here in the UK it’s been a while since we’ve seen any new flavours. So I was pleasantly surprised when my routine scan of the local sweet shop …

KitKat Editions Tiramisu

I was so pleased when Dom drew the short straw and got to review the KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter. Like Dom, I’ve never been a lover of KitKats, despite the fact I am the daughter of the original KitKat Kid. …

KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter

‘A bit of a mouthful’. That’s the best way to describe this. Both in terms of the name and the contents of the bar. KitKat may be one of the best selling chocolate bars in the world, but I’m quite …
Chocablog: Chocolate Blog