South Africa Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term South Africa.
Von Geusau Dark Chilli
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria is back with another offering from South Africa… This may be a flavour that has been done many times before, but what better yardstick to measure a chocolatier by than how well they do the classics, …
Von Geusau Dark Cherry
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria is back with something interesting from South Africa… All of Von Geusau’s chocolates are well-packaged, but the colour-coded foil really adds a special bit of flair – as do the hand-written, colour-coded labels. From every aspect …
Baker’s Select Romany Creams Balls
Guest Chocablogger Nastash Faria returns with some more South African treats… Baker’s is a company that was established in 1881 in South Africa. When South Africans think biscuits, we think Bakers. A favourite of mine are the Baker’s Romany Creams, …
Nestlé Milo Bar (South Africa)
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria is back with a look at the South African version of Nestlé’s Milo Bar. I understand that Milo is sold pretty much everywhere except Europe, but as far as I know, South Africa’s Milo bar is …
Geldhof Handmade Chocolate Selection
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria is back with a selection from South Africa… Geldhof Chocolatiers are pretty much a mainstay of South African luxury chocolates. They stock a large variety – truffles, ganaches, chocolate bars, chocolate novelties (such as shot glasses …
Cadbury Dairy Milk Crème Caramel
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria from South Africa is back with a local Dairy Milk variation… According to this wrapper, this is “Local ‘n Lekker” (collective cringe from English majors worldwide). “Lekker” is an Afrikaans word that means nice, good, great, …
Beacon Caramel Biscotti
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria from South Africa looks at a local offering… Beacon has never really been top of my list when trawling the chocolate aisle, but my lover brought this home for me because of this very blog. How …
Beacon Threesome
Today I had a Threesome. I’ve never had one before, so didn’t really know what to expect. I admit I was looking forward to it, but having had it, I’m starting to think it wasn’t such a good idea in …
Nestlé Peppermint Crisp
This is the last of my current batch of South African chocolate, and probably my favourite. Peppermint Crisp is a bar of Nestlé milk chocolate with a crispty Kryptonite “peppermint crackle” centre. While the filling resembles something that would make …
Nestlé Tex
Here we have another South African offering. According to the wrapper, it’s “Rich creamy Nestlé milk chocolate with Aero® centre and filled biscuit wafers.” That’s a fairly lengthy description for a simple bar of chocolate, but once you bite into …
Nestlé Chocolate Log
This is the second of my South African purchases, and this one comes from Nestlé. The packaging describes it as “creamy marshmallow on a crisp wafer”, and being a fan of all things light and fluffy, I had high hopes …
Cadbury Dairy Milk Top Deck
Half white chocolate, half milk chocolate.