Rococo White Chocolate With Cardamom

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on May 24 2013 | Leave A Comment

Rococo White Chocolate With Cardamom

I’m a bit of a sucker for Rococo Chocolates, so despite not being a big white chocolate fan, I thought I’d give this a try. I do like a bit of cardamom in my chocolate, after all.

One of the things that drew me to this bar was the packaging, something Rococo do so well. It’s actually just a simple paper and foil wrapper, but Chantal Coady’s designs are simple but eye catching. It feels like you’re unwrapping a quality product.

Rococo White Chocolate With Cardamom

As you might expect from a white chocolate, sugar is the main ingredient, but it’s a healthy 30% cocoa solids (cocoa butter), so it’s not overly sweet.

The chocolate has a nice creamy edge to it, but as you might expect, the overwhelming flavour is from the cardamom. It’s deliciously warm and works surprisingly well with the white chocolate.

Rococo White Chocolate With Cardamom

In fact, it’s so good that it’s quite difficult to stop eating. You don’t notice yourself eating each individual piece, but before you know it the bar is almost gone and you feel just a little bit guilty.

Rococo White Chocolate With Cardamom

But you shouldn’t feel too guilty. This may be a sweet treat, but it’s a quality treat. It’s certified organic with no nasty additives, so if you’re into white chocolate and want to try something a little bit different, then this is certainly worth trying.


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