Klik Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Klik.
Klik Cookie
This is the last of the ‘Klik’ range of Israeli chocs sent to us by OhNuts.com, they others being Gourmet Truffles, Malt Balls and Kariot-Pillows. These ‘Cookies’ are pretty much what you’d expect looking at the bag. Random chunks of …
Klik Malt Balls
Here’s another of the Klik range of Israeli chocolates sent to us by OhNuts.com Malt Balls are pretty much the same as Maltesers, except they’re smaller (about a quarter the size of a Malteser) and not quite as ‘malty’. Personally …
Klik Half Gourmet Truffles
This is another of the Klik samples sent to us by OhNuts.com. The ‘Half’ in the name doesn’t seem to mean half-fat or half-sugar or even half-chocolate. Instead it seems to just refer to the half-speherical shape of these cute …
Klik Kariot-Pillows
Ok, well this is a little unusual. These Israeli chocolates were sent to us by our newest Sponsor, OhNuts.com. OhNuts are US based, so these choccies have pretty much traveled around the world to end up in my stomach. Sometimes …