Klik Half Gourmet Truffles
This is another of the Klik samples sent to us by OhNuts.com.
The ‘Half’ in the name doesn’t seem to mean half-fat or half-sugar or even half-chocolate. Instead it seems to just refer to the half-speherical shape of these cute little truffles.
They’re vey small – about 1cm across – and pretty basic. White chocolate with soft truffley filling. But I’d hardly cally them “Gourmet”. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chocolate that looks quite as much like it’s come off a production line as this. They look more like mass produced white plastic bullets than anything hand made.
Taste-wise, the white chocolate is pretty good – the closest comparison is probably something like Kinder. They’re a little sweet for my liking, but they’re just as moreish as the ‘pillows‘ I reviewed before. This 75g bag lasted me all day, but I did find myself eating them constantly without noticing.
I’m not sure I’d buy these and just eat them out of the bag, but I might buy several bags at once and either stick them in a big bowl to serve at parties or sprinkle them on top of a nice chocolate ice cream. Mmmm.
- Filed under israel, klik, white chocolate.
They’re very attractive, I have to say!