Hot Chocolate Archives

Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Hot Chocolate.

Chocolate Society Hot Chocolate Shaker

Make the perfect hot chocolate in seconds.

Gü Hot Chocolate

A new range of hot chocolates in a carton.

Jaz ‘n’ Jul’s Perfectly Simple Hot Chocolate

A simple but delicious hot chocolate drink.

Kokoa Collection Hot Chocolate

A range of single origin hot chocolates made with real chocolate.

Wiseman House Selection

I think the box that came with my chocolates from Wiseman House was positively the biggest of any other chocolate offering container I have previously received; that certainly brightened my afternoon. The unpacking revealed promising contents, as well. The pretty …

Sir Hans Sloane Dark Drinking Chocolate Beads

Dark drinking chocolate beads that make a tasty snack as well as a decent hot chocolate.

Valrhona Celaya Hot Chocolate

I confess that until I found this, I had no idea Valrhona made hot chocolate in cartons. But having seen it at the Southbank Chocolate Festival and being something of a hot chocolate fiend, I had to buy some to …

Jaz & Jul’s Organic Hot Chocolate

I’ve been aware of Jaz & Jul’s for some time now, but only had a chance to talk to them properly and pick up some samples at the Southbank Chocolate Festival. Jaz & Juls just make hot chocolate. They use …

Hotel Chocolat Gingerbread Liquid Chocolate

This is part of Hotel Chocolat’s new winter range, and was one of many items in our goody bag at their Christmas launch event waaaaaay back in July. The idea of gingerbread hot chocolate sounds amazing to me. I’m a …

Mountain Man Chocolate

It’s funny the things you find where and dressed up as what. This chocolate here is my second New Mexico finding, this time from Taos. Specifically, the Kit Carson museum there. If you’re not familiar with Kit Carson, he is …

Zotter Drinking Chocolate

Something a little different from Zotter (although since when is anything Zotter have done not a little different). This time though, we have drinking chocolate. The drinking chocolates take the form of five differently flavoured bars (Bourbon Vanilla, Bitter Classic, …

Mars Hot Chocolates

It’s not every day that you get a delivery from Mars, so I was quite looking forward to seeing what was inside the Martian jiffy bag that arrived on my doorstep. What we have is four varieties of hot chocolate …

Boulevard’s Dairy Free & Sugar Free Hot Chocolate

Would someone tell me why there is so much rainy weather in Arizona in January? I just don’t understand it. The only advantage it has for me is an increased enjoyment of such life’s comforts as warm hats and hot …

Lindt Hot Chocolate Flakes

Dear, sweet, darling Matthew Thorpe, he of the South Australian Lindt distribution (and generous sharing) and radio fame, gave me a couple of tins of Lindt’s new hot chocolate flakes to try. They’re available at a few selected supermarkets who …

Whittards Hot Chocolate with Ginger

I bought this around Christmas time (when I was on my hot chocolate fact finding mission on behalf of Chocablog) with the intention of brewing up a cup or two and giving you an in depth review. At £4.50 a …

Twinings Chocolate Indulgence

Having started at the top, so to speak, with a review of Hotel Chocolat’s Liquid Chocolate, followed by a disappointingly sugary Hot Dark Choc, I continued my quest to find the best Drinking Chocolates with this, Twinings Luxury Chocolate Drink. …

Hot Choc Dark

Having recently reviewed (and been rather taken with) Hotel Chocolat’s rather posh Liquid Chocolat, when I spotted this on offer in a Tesco’s I thought to myself “What the heck. It’s winter. Let’s review some more posh drinking chocolate.” As …
Chocablog: Chocolate Blog