Denmark Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Denmark.
Konnerup White Yoghurt Chocolate With Lemon
White chocolate with lemon and yoghurt powder.
Friis-Holm Chuno
Why do these two, seemingly identical bars taste so different?
Toms Skildpadde Bar
An ultra sweet, rum flavoured chocolate turtle bar.
Friis Holm Johe
Richard from Chocolate & Love gave me this bar a while back and it’s been happily sitting in my “review queue” waiting to be scoffed. On Wednesday though, I had the good fortune to meet the man responsible for growing …
Bojesen Wild Bolivian
This is perhaps the simplest bar of chocolate I’ve reviewed on Chocablog, right down to the packaging – a thin silver pouch, sealed with a single ‘Bojesen’ sticker. This is clearly a bit different from your average chocolate. The chocolate …
Anthon Berg Chocolate Coffee Drinks
I found these a few weeks ago and they appealed because they looked, well, cute. Anthon Berg is a Danish chocolate company that’s been around since 1884 even has the Royal Danish Court seal of approval. I’ve seen their liqueur-filled …