65% Cocoa Solids Chocolate
Listed below is a full list of chocolates reviewed on Chocablog with a stated cocoa solids content of 65 percent. Note that this list may not be complete, as manufacturers don't always give this number on their packaging as they should.
Click here for a more information on what these numbers mean and what you should be looking out for when buying chocolate.
- Paul Wayne Gregory Christmas Selection
- Michel Cluizel Plantation Mangaro 65%
- Naive Encyclopedia Of Chocolate
- TCHO Artisan Confections
- Betty’s Gloucester Old Spot Easter Pigs
- Betty’s Swiss Dark Chocolate Heart With Champagne Truffles
- Denman Island Chocolate Alto El Sol
- Es Koyama Dégustation No. 5
- Szántó Tibor Maya Heritage
- Rococo Crystallised Ginger
- Zotter Labooko India & Congo 65%
- NewTree Thym
- William Curley Millionaire’s Shortbread
- Vice Chocolates Dark Chocolate With Fleur De Sel
- Wei of Chocolate Wei Happy
- Beschle Grand Cru Collection Noir
- Rococo Dark Chocolate Floral Bee Bars
- Beschle Grand Cru Trinitario au Fleur de Sel & Pistaches
- Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory After Dark Collection
- Soma Chocolatemaker Exploration Box