Thorntons Milk Chocolate With Orange & Cardamom

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on September 19 2008 | Leave A Comment

As you can probably tell, this is part of the same range as the Special Toffee bar I reviewed earlier this week. Like the toffee bar, this one also features slightly annoying packaging, however this time I have opted to photograph the box at a slight angle in order to enhance your enjoyment and add a little artistic flair to this review.

I hope you appreciate the lengths I go to. Seriously.

As you can see, this bar features the same distinctive pattern as the toffee bar too. The blurb tells me this bar is made from Ecuadorian cocoa beans (40%), Florida orange oil and finely ground cardamom.

Like the toffee bar, this one also has a pleasantly tempting aroma when you rip open the non-recyclable packaging. Oranges. Lots of oranges.

Unsurprisingly, it tastes or oranges too. But it’s a far more subtle flavour than the ubiquitous Terry’s Chocolate Orange, and some of those milk chocolate flavours do still come through. It’s creamy rather than tangy, and really rather nice.

I did however find it quite difficult to detect any trace of cardamom until after the chocolate had completely gone. A very subtle peppery aftertaste slowly built in my mouth, which to be frank, I found a little annoying. It simply wasn’t “connected” with the other flavours at all. I’m all for adding a bit of spice to chocolate, but I’m not sure it adds anything to this particular bar. I wouldn’t be surprised if the main reason it’s here is simply because “cardamom” looks good written on the box.

All in all, not a bad little bar if you’re into orangey chocolate. Personally I prefer the toffee variety but I still have more of these to review, so I’ll withhold final judgment for now.


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Comments On This Post

  1. I’m disappointed that the cardamom flavors don’t show up.

    I tried the Dolfin bar as well and didn’t get much cardamom there.

    I’m wondering if anyone makes a cardamom bar with a good pop of the pod flavor.

  2. Dom (Chocablog Staff)

    To be honest, I’m not exactly a cardamom aficionado, but I don’t think I would have noticed this was anything other than chocolate and orange had it not said so on the box.

  3. Maggie

    I came, I tried, I conquered – but it wasn’t exactly as good as I thought it would be. The chocolate felt, if anything, a bit on the hard side. The orangey taste was quite subtle, though.

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