Filthy Cheeky Chocolate Bites

It wasn’t so long ago that I reviewed a box of Filthy’s Kinky Crème Brûlée Bites, and I was less than complimentary about them, to say the least. Well, such is the power of Chocablog that the lovely PR Madames at Filthy got in touch and offered to send me the rest of the range to sample. Being the accommodating chap I am I naturally accepted their kind offer, and so earlier this week there was a knock at the door and a leather-clad gentleman handed me two padded bags. You see, Filthy Chocs are made with fresh cream and live in the fridge, so they had to be sent by courier in order to preserve their freshness.
I’ve already gone into some detail about the unusual packaging design and ‘naughty’ stickers on the box. What we really need to know is whether or not Filthy have managed to create something worthy of their own hype.
These Cheeky Chocolate Bites have the same thick Belgian milk chocolate shell as the rest of the Filthy range, but the inside is made from a blend of 70% cocoa dark chocolate and cream. This combination results in a much thicker filling than the Crème Brûlée Bites, something much more akin to a rich truffle rather than the fluffy, insubstantial Creme Brulée centres which I found so disappointing.

The filling is thick, sticky, and very rich, and as you crunch through the milk chocolate shell the first taste is a bittersweet cocoa hit which melts into the milk chocolate, filling your mouth with a lovely dark-tasting mixture which melts away and allows the last of the milk chocolate to give a sweet finish.
I think I should have tried these lovely little things before the Crème Brûlée Bites. They’re far more indulgent, rich and tasty than their siblings and to my mind they fit in the Filthy ethos a lot better. They’d make a great after dinner treat, as a box of twelve would easily satisfy four people because they are just so rich and creamy.
So once again I find myself reconsidering my original verdict. I’m still not a big fan of the Creme Brulée Bites, but I would definitely buy a box of these Cheeky Choc Bites as a special treat.
Thanks to Chloe and Sarah (the PR Madames) for sending these over. Evidently it was worth your while.
- Filed under cream, filthy, milk chocolate, uk.
Hmmm. That milk chocolate ganache they sent you didn’t sound all that great, just better than the creme brule. Have you tried the creme brulee chocolate @ Kee’s in Soho/NY? We should do a contrast & compare!! I enjoy your choc writing – please link up as I’m researching a book & eating choc all the time in California.
Susie: The fact that you feel the need to spam Chocablog like that does not give me a great deal of confidence in your product.
I have to say I personally was more impressed by the Crème Brulee bites than the Chocolate ones, a less sophisticated palette maybe…
BTW have you tried the Strawberry bites yet???
Geez! You were mean in your post! Nobody was spamming Chocoblog, just announcing a new site. For a person who buys chocolate in the tube station, don’t be so mean!
Hi does anybodys local Sainsburys still sell this product? I live in Northern Ireland and have tried all my local sainsburys, but to no avail. When I asked on sainsburys helpline, they said they were reducing their stock range and due to poor sales they were no longer selling filthy chocolate bites. I think Sainsburys is the only distributor at the moment but if anyone knows better please let me know.