Montezuma Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Montezuma.
Montezuma’s Chilli & Lime Milk Chocolate
In keeping with my current philosophy of buying any and all chocolate in brightly coloured packaging, I picked this bar up in Waitrose, attracted by the bright green logo on the front. Long time Chocablog readers may remember we’ve looked …
Montezuma’s Orange & Geranium Dark Chocolate
You may recall that last week I reviewed Montezuma’s Sweet Paprika & Strawberry Milk Chocolate, and wasn’t overly impressed with it. I found it decidedly bland, but dressed up as something more interesting. So how does that bar’s darker, orangier …
Montezuma’s Sweet Paprika & Strawberry Milk Chocolate
This bar arrived in the post earlier this week – not a sample from the manufacturer, but a gift from my sister with a note saying “I saw this and thought of you”. I do love this job sometimes. At …