Zhena’s Gypsy Chocolate Jasmine Tea
One of the nice things about World Market is that, besides the occasional snow-cone or cookie samples, there are always coffee and/or tea in the back of the store. Perfect to pick up while browsing the chocolate shelves, not to mention effective in selling products. This Chocolate Jasmine tea was one of their samples for a while; having very much enjoyed it, I picked up a tin to bring home.
Zhena’s Gypsy Tea – you have to love that name, and the tin? Its background of world maps completes the gypsy feel, and its much preferable to the regular cardboard box as it’ll keep the tea fresher longer. The label-rundown includes Fair Trade Certified, USDA Organic, Kosher, and gluten and allergen free (the round sachets are also termed “eco-friendly”). Good start. This particular tea blossoms from a partnership with World Market. Though it’s labeled as green tea, there is also some black tea in it, along with “dark roasted cacao and jasmine blossoms.” The result is refreshing.
From when you pop open the tin, which is a charming nest for the tea’s aromas, and get hit by the chocolate’s presence, to the first brewed up, everything works in calm symbiosis. Especially for having the additional flavors from the green tea itself and the jasmine, the chocolate side holds its own remarkably well. I would have expected it to fade more in their presence. It also has such an enchanting, inherent sweetness to make it just the tea to brighten your day.
Understandably, not everyone may be looking for tea in the middle of summer, but I still recommend giving this a try. You can always have it iced, after all. It’s still nice cold — just slightly less endearing.
- Filed under drink, fair trade, jasmine, organic, tea, us, world market, zhenas gypsy tea.
I’ve heard great things about Chocolate tea. It doesn’t sound like a good combination, but must be. Thanks for teh review. Learn something new every day!