Nestlé Heaven Dark Truffle Perles

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on January 16 2008 | Leave A Comment
nestlé Heaven Dark Truffle Perles

I’m sure I can’t be the only one who looked at the packaging above and sighed at the word “Perles™”. I don’t know why they can’t just call them Pearls – or better still, just go with “Balls”. What’s wrong with Balls, Nestlé?

The next thing that made me go “Huh?” was the packaging. A small cardboard pouch with five individually wrapped chocolates inside. That’s all well and good if you’re giving these as part of a bigger gift or as a Christmas stocking filler (as these were), but on its own, the box just looks a bit naff.

But what about the actual chocolate?

Nestlé Heaven Dark Truffle Perles

Well, the balls… sorry, Perles™, look exactly as you’d expect. Small and chocolatey. The truffle filling inside is quite firm, despite the packaging calling it “gorgeously soft”.

But the taste is spot on. The milk chocolate is smooth and creamy, as you’d expect from Nestlé Heaven, and the dark filling is deliciously nutty and chocolatey. The combination is pretty damn good.

I’m not entirely sure who would buy five chocolates in a box, but as a ‘taster’, these are certainly worth trying. I have seen bigger boxes of these, as well as bars and I’d recommend looking out for those instead. I don’t think just 5 Perles™ will be enough for most people…


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  1. Hi Chocablog

    Just thought I’d say hello !

    Nice looking, interesting site. Looks like I’ll have to subscribe.



  2. babycakes=)

    i like the caramel latte ones talk about bliss:P

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