Mars abandons animal rennet plans
Masterfoods have scrapped plans to add animal rennet to Mars products after receiving over 6000 complaints from consumers.
According to the BBC, Mars says it became “very clear, very quickly” that they had made a mistake.
Unfortunately, it’s still not clear if any products with animal rennet are already on sale, and Mars are being very vague about the whole thing, asking people to call their consumer advice line for information. As they haven’t actively denied products with animal rennet have been produced already, I can only assume that there are at least some batches of products out there that are not suitable for vegetarians.
Suffice to say, I’ll be avoiding all Mars products until they give clear advice on which products are suitable for vegetarians and which aren’t. Not because I’m a vegetarian myself, but simply because I like to know what I’m eating.
Thank goodness! And yes, I’ll avoid as well until things are clear again.
I avoided a Mars Product in favour of a Cadbury Creme Egg bar today 🙂
Yay me!
Mars products are NOT my favorites, my favorite of them would be Crispy M&M’s….
Its interesting how Mars can do a u-turn on rennet but the industry can’t sort out the issue of child slavery on cocoa plantations
I really dont understand why mars decided to put rennet in their products when so many like it the way it is.Could be supplier problems or any number of reasons but i’ll be staying well clear until the issue is sorted.As for child slavery Tony, from the West point of view it should never never happen.But from the developing nations point of view its a way of life.I studied big firms like Nestle and Cadbury and they do look after their suppliers and pay them better wages and provide better working conditions and an education than most other firms.Maybe one day an answer will be found.We live in hope.
Dear Mam/Sir,
I and my family are severely allergic to animal rennet. I want to know if chocolates made by LINDT or GULIAN or GREEN&BLAK have animal rennet.
Thank you,
I couldn’t tell you about specific makes/brands of chocolate, but your best bet is to look at the labeling and see if it says ‘suitable for vegetarians’ (or similar).