New Flake Ad
Cadbury have posted the new Flake ad with Alyssa Sutherland on their web site. As you’d expect, it’s beautifully shot and just a little suggestive..
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So what do you think?
Cadbury have posted the new Flake ad with Alyssa Sutherland on their web site. As you’d expect, it’s beautifully shot and just a little suggestive..
So what do you think?
well, thing is….. I just don’t like the advert.
I saw it on the TV last night and I just had the same reaction watching it here. It’s kinda ok in a very suggestive way (Flake ads have to be suggestive there is no doubt about it, but I do think this advert pushes it a. little. too. far.)BUT
when the advert rewinds to the flake – coming out of her mouth – It just makes me retch! bleurgh
I agree.. it didn’t make me retch, but it’s just those 2 seconds of the ad that make me think “I don’t want a Flake”. It’s not sexy, it’s just icky.
I’d put money on an edited version of the ad coming out soon. (Hmmm… I wonder if anyone at Cadbury reads Chocablog….)
I would be interested to see an edited version. The rest of it is kinda ‘nice’. Nicely shot, nice background. Flake ads should always be sexy and this is – BUT food SHOULD NOT come out of your mouth. just wrong.
I liked it. The like the idea of the rain in reverse. I’m just very glad they didn’t make it look gross with the flake eating part in reverse – like Red Dwarf did in a reverse world!
What’s the point in that? That’s just …. weird.
Look girlie, you’re supposed to EAT THE DAMN CHOCOLATE, not regurgitate it!
I agree. Nice necklace though – can anyone tell me who makes that necklace? I know someone who wants one like it. I know that’s not strictly chocolate chat. sorry
Please can you tell me who makes the necklace in the flake ad…I love it!
Apparently the necklace was specially made for the advert. I have been looking everywhere for it! However today I found something almost identical in New Look. The necklace has lots of dangling charms but the same green stone and gold butterfly. I have managed to take them off and add them to a gold chain so it looks almost exactly the same!
I’m another admirer of the necklace
does anyone know where I can get it from, or the name of the designer commissioned to make it?
i love the add.
could someone PLEASE tell me the name of the song
i absolutely love it!
Can sum1 please tell me wat this song is called?
I have seen this ad so many times and every time it annoys me
i usually let ads breeze past and dont notice them
this ad however is completly strange and i dont get it aand would really love it if some1 explained it 2 me
the only things i can get from this ad are bad.
1) it is raining which means flake somehow makes it rain??
2) when the flake comes back out of her mouth all this is saying is that girl doesnt like the chocolate so she regergitates it?!?
3)The girl in it looks sad until she brings the flake back out of her mouth…
is flake really that bad???
i seriously dont get it
plz leave a comment if u get it
PS i hope the flake company read this….THINK ABOUT YOUR ADS BEFORE YOU PUT THEM ALL OVER THE TV!!!
could you please tell me name of song……….