Jd Gross Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Jd Gross.
J. D. Gross Madagascar 46%
Having tasted a couple of the Malagasy dark chocolate bars from Madagascar I was compelled to buy this J.D. Gross bar when I saw it in Lidl. Made from the same Sambirano beans as Malagasy use but presented as a …
J.D. Gross Extra Bitter 75% Trinidad Sticks
Another offering from the J. D. Gross / LIDL stable of chocolate (which, as we now know thanks to our astute and helpful readers, is made by Rausch). So enthusiastic and knowledgeable are our readers that I received a comment …
J. D. Gross Plain Chocolate
When is posh chocolate not posh? Does good quality chocolate have to be expensive? Do you really only get what you pay for? As part of my unstinting quest for the best chocolate, I decided to visit… LIDL. For those …