Chocolate Cellar Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Chocolate Cellar.
Chocolate Cellar Mothers Day Selection
Mothers Day is one of those holidays that it’s all too easy to forget. And if you have forgotten, then you’d better get your skates on because it’s this Sunday! Luckily, we’re here to remind you with the help of …
Chocolate Cellar Tiffin Biscuits
This little bag of goodies turned up on my doorstep the other day with no details and no explanation. Needless to say, I felt it my duty to give them a good home, and with a little bit of research, …
The Chocolate Cellar Chilli Selection
We have actually reviewed one of these bars before. I gave the dark chocolate with rose and chilli a very favourable review back at the start of 2008. The Chocolate Cellar are participants in Chocolate Week this year and sent …
Chocolate Cellar: Rose N Chilli Dark Chocolate
Another Christmas present! This time from Paola. First things first though. Paola mentioned she bought this bar from Little Green Men, an online chilli store, but also that she had extremely poor customer service from them. As such, I have …