Bacon Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Bacon.
Vosges Mo’s Bacon Bar
It seems like a long time since Dom posted Chocablog’s first Bacon/Chocolate hybrid review, and I was terribly excited when those lovely people from HF Chocolates gave this to me last year. Vosges is the brainchild of Katrina Markoff and …
Zotter Coffee Plum With Caramelised Bacon
Well would you look at that. Another slightly mad chocolate bar from Zotter. Who would ever have thought. Oh, and more bacon too. Because it’s just not real chocolate if it doesn’t contain bacon. The official description of this bar …
Zotter Bacon Bits
On a cold and rainy spring afternoon, I ventured into town and into the depths of John Lewis’s food hall to meet the man from Zotter and sample his wares. That’s him in the picture. And the man with the …