Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé Matcha Tea
It’s just my luck that one of my favourite chocolate companies has a name that I just can’t pronounce. Thankfully, Katalin from Hungarian bean-to-bar chocolate maker Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé, tells me they’re quite happy to be called simply Roz.
I think it would be a little disrespectful of me not to at least try though, so in the interests of learning how to say the name properly, I’ve been acquiring more and more of their wonderful looking chocolate.
Lucky for me then that Selfridges in London have recently started stocking it, so it’s now much easier for me to get hold of. Visiting the store for a tasting with Katalin last week, I was delighted to find their range extended well beyond the single origin bars I’ve tasted before. The one thing all the products have in common is that they look fantastic. These are easily some of the best looking chocolate bars you can buy.
Rather than going for another single origin dark bar, I decided to go for something a bit different this time. This amazingly coloured bar is actually a white chocolate with green matcha tea.
The photos don’t really do this bar justice. It’s a deep olive green with such a beautiful, unique moulding design that it looks more like a piece of artwork than a bar of chocolate. The shade of green might look a bit strange for a chocolate bar, but for me that’s just part of the wow factor.
This is a bar that’s all about personal taste. I’m sure there will be some people that can’t get past the colour, and I think the flavour will produce a similar reaction. This is, after all, a white chocolate, so it’s inherently sweet. But at 29% cocoa butter, it actually has nearly 50% more cocoa solids than a bar of Dairy Milk, so it’s actually not too sweet. The real story here though is more about the interaction of the matcha tea and the milk solids.
For me, eating a small piece of this chocolate is like taking a sip of a sweet green tea with added cream. Unlike many tea chocolates, the flavour is strong and comes right to the front, but the creaminess brings the flavour back a little – a bit like adding milk to your every day cup of tea at home.
That matcha flavour stays with you long after the chocolate has melted away, and that’s something I really enjoyed. If you don’t like that distinctive flavour, then this isn’t the bar for you – but I would argue that it’s such a beautiful object, you should just go out and buy it anyway. You can always send it to me.
- Buy it online from:
- Contains white chocolate (29% cocoa solids).
- Filed under hungary, matcha, rozsavolgyi csokolade, tea.