Momami Creation

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on July 27 2009 | Leave A Comment
Momami Creation

Another treasure from Rainer and Oliver of Premier Food and Beverages is the pan-poured Momami Creation ‘Frisch geschopfte confiserie chocolade.’ My understanding is that it is milk chocolate with cranberries.

Rainer reckons that hand-poured chocolate might take a while before Aussies get into it, presumably because it – ahem – might remind them of a cow pat instead. I then pointed out that Melba’s chocolates, which are based in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia, actually do make chocolate cow pats that sell like hot cakes…

Back to Momami. Their website is in German, so when you activate the translate button it can be rather amusing to see a few slightly jumbled up descriptions. It is thankfully possible to find out that their milk chocolate contains a minimum 34% cocoa solids and eight percent of cranberries.

Momami Creation

As you can see, this ‘cow pat’ is rather pretty actually, with a generous handful of cranberries thrown in which makes it seem as though they make up considerably more than the relatively measly eight percent stated on the ingredients panel in my opinion.

On first taste, the milk chocolate is very nice. It is creamily smooth and sweet, and eventually I started chewing more intently to release a cranberry or two. Erk – the bitter tang of the cranberries rather forcefully cut through the pleasant chocolately start with a jarring, discordant note for a few seconds before eventually easing off and blending in a bit better with the chocolate. It was like eating a sour orange – doable but not entirely desirable.

I like the idea of what they’ve done here but I’m just not sure that the two flavours are a completely successful pairing. This could be a much better match if the cranberries were combined with a dark chocolate.

However, the Momami website mentions a few other fillings that are also available in their hand-poured milk chocolate and they all sound a great deal more appealing – Caramelised and roasted hazelnuts; roasted salted almonds; honey and cornflakes; and currants (which, looking at the photograph more carefully, is the automatic translation from German and is likely to be the cranberries I’ve just tasted). I would be much more keen to try the other flavours.


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Comments On This Post

  1. Dom (Chocablog Staff)

    Hmm. Are they cranberries or red currants?

  2. Well it says ‘cranberry’ on the packet, but you Poms know your berries a lot better than we Aussies (or those translating for us), do, because they do look more like redcurrants, don’t they?

    ….And are redcurrants as tart in taste as these little fellas were?

  3. Laura

    Pretty confident they’re redcurrants. Cranberries are bigger than that aren’t they? Eep, that would be pretty sour. But I want to try it.

  4. Laura

    Yep, it’s on the website: “The currants are carefully dried so that its original fruity aroma is preserved…The fine aromatic taste of our chocolate cocoa combines with the fruity, acidic redcurrants an incomparable taste experience.”

  5. Ah. There you go – no wonder they’re described as ‘acidic’ too!

  6. Simon

    Isn’t a ‘hot cake’ a polite euphemism for a cow pat anyway?

  7. P.M.Frankemolle

    Where can I buy Momami chocalat cafe and hazelnusskrokant

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