Milky Bar Mini Eggs

It seems just about every major chocolate brand has an egg version around Easter these days. Obviously it’s really just a marketing exercise, but I still enjoy seeing the weird (and often pointless) products that like likes of Nestlé, Mars and Cadbury try to sell us at this time of year.
Unfortunately, this one falls squarely into the “pointless” category for me.
Once you’ve cut open the fairly bland plastic pouch, you’re greeted with the sweet aroma of…. well, absolutely nothing… and some equally bland looking cream coloured eggs.

When you bite into one of the eggs, that blandness is replaced by an all-encompassing sweetness. A sweet, but otherwise tasteless sugar shell with sweet, but otherwise tasteless white chocolate in the centre. I simply couldn’t pick up any other flavours.
I find that a little strange, as Nestlé also make the Smarties Mini Eggs in the egg I reviewed the other day. The sugar shell in those eggs has a distinctive flavour. But here, there’s nothing – just pure, unadulterated sugar.
Now don’t get me wrong. When I’m in the mood, I’m quite partial to the occasional Milky Bar, which is why I bought these in the first place. But I don’t really get any of the creaminess that I get from a full sized Milky Bar here either. I guess there’s just not enough filling even to pick up on that.
I really wish Nestlé had managed to do something a little more interesting with these. Either by taking away a bit of the sweetness of the shells, or adding some subtle flavours. But for me, they taste pretty much the same as eating sugar lumps, and that’s not something I do for fun – although I guess there are kids who will love them for exactly that reason.
- Filed under eggs, milky bar, nestle, uk, white chocolate.
I think these are the best mini eggs around there delicious
ick! they taste like S*** scuse mah french. but milky bars taste like sweet, soapy covered plastic