Krakuski Paluszki

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on July 28 2011 | Leave A Comment

Another day, another trip to my favourite butcher shop, and more Polish chocolate to accompany my purchase of chicken wings. Since discovering this shop, I’ve come to the conclusion that about 50% of the commercial chocolate of the whole world must be made in Poland. Is there a national sweet tooth or something?

Anyhow the Paluszki claims to be “z galaretka pomarańczową w czekoladzie”, which Mr Google tells me means “with orange jelly in chocolate”. I also sort of figured that out from the picture.

As far as I can tell from the label and a quick web search, the maker is a well established Polish cake business, now owned by the German Bahlsen group – which seems to have brands and factories throughout Europe, and claims to be the largest family-run biscuit enterprise in the world.

As often seems to be the way, the picture is far more flattering to the product than reality. The orange jelly is pretty thin, fairly pale, and does not have a very orangey taste. The ingredients list tells me that there is 2.7% condensed orange juice in, perhaps it needs a bit more. The biscuit is more like a cake, soft rather than crunchy. And the chocolate is… well… thin, and nothing very special.

So, this seems to be a variation on the Jaffa Cake, in yet another of its incarnations.

My feeling about this: meh. It’s nothing special. Its not bad, but neither is it good. Oldest son found the open pack sitting on the kitchen table and just walked by munching on a handful. His view: “These are OK but a bit wussie”. I think that about sums it up, really.


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