Joseph Schmidt Spring Card Box Petites
My eye caught this box at World Market, which sells, well, world furniture, trinkets, and food.
They’ve also turned out to be one of the best places to buy chocolate in Arizona. At first, I thought this was just a pretty box, so I was more than delighted to find that it had chocolate inside.
At home, I found the “Spring” label. Just how long had it been sitting on the shelf, anyway? But no matter: this San Francisco chocolate looks beautiful and boasts quality ingredients, including fresh cream.
There are twelve truffles, wrapped in a light purple. The label says that they’re hand-decorated, and they do stand the appearance test. They have a slightly alcholic smell, but this is only from the truffle filling. They’re smooth, rich, only slightly sweet, and very addictive. I was kind enough this time to share, and each very different palate was satisfied. I almost regretted this moment of kindess: my box disappeared instantly.
Ten dollars for a dozen of these beauties, plus a handmade box. A great value. From “Card Box” it was meant as something you can give as a present. I can’t imagine receiving a more welcome package that will appeal to more people.
- Filed under joseph schmidt, us.
They look gorgeous – starting with the box!