Geminus Chocolate Diamond Bark
Geminus, Inc., to my surprise, is a local company (to me, that is), coming out of Scottsdale, Arizona. The chocolate people usually don’t flock here too much; they must not be keen on their hard work melting away in the Valley of the Sun. Geminus, however, isn’t exactly a chocolate company: headed by Jovan Van Drielle, they make specialized items you can have your logo/name put on. As far as chocolate goes, they make custom bars, boxes, molds, and edible pictures. Their Chocolate Diamond Bark is what I was given.
From the outside to in, you can tell Geminus works to please the eye. In a gold wrapping is a plain brown box like those The ChocolateSmith uses. This one is completed with a thick, cream and brown polka dot bow, whose ends are finished with not a straight cut, but a ridged one. The brown tissue paper inside has a sparkle to it, sealed shut by a sticker label. Now the actual bark. Large pieces of chocolate are scattered with “diamonds” or rock candy and small, circular pictures, similar to what is printed on cakes. On the Geminus site, there is a sample bark dressed up for a wedding. It seems it would make a nice addition to a wedding table, a little sparkly while still not overdone, with pictures of the couple that can be eaten instead of stashed away and forgotten.
I first assumed this to be dark chocolate: its color is a middle tone that lends a bit more to dark. It tasted dark, too, at first, of a better quality than novelty chocolates tend to be. It reminds me slightly of the Original Beans Cru Virguna bar – sweet and pleasant chocolate. Then I realized that the flavor was also rather milky. This is, in fact, a combination of milk and dark chocolate. You get the best of both sides, making it something to appeal to most everyone. Its flavors are warm with cinnamon and coffee.
The diamonds come into a bit here and there. The effect is like finding salt in chocolate, only with sugar instead of salt. Little sections of crunch make for a break from letting the chocolate melt, without much influence on flavor. I’m glad to come across a chocolate whose unique looks I can compliment, then enjoy eating rather than finding barely tolerable.
- Buy it online from:
- Contains dark chocolate.
- Filed under dark chocolate, geminus, us.
How bizarre. I wonder how much of a market there is for having your face printed onto chocolate, even in the world of tacky corporate giveaways…
Oh wow!! These just look so yummy! I bet those custom bars of chocolates are just so scrumptious in real life!
A medida que el bebe9 crece, raicele juegos que le animen a gatear, pararse y caminar.Amarre o cuelgue objetos como cucharas cerca de donde este9 acostado el bebe9 de manera que pueda alcanzarlos con las manos y sostenerlos.Diga el nombre del bebe9 o aplauda de manera que el bebe9 mire para ver de df3nde proviene el sonido. Ce1ntele, meza y muevalo al ritmo de una cancif3n.Coja al bebe9 y mencione los nombres de objetos. A pesar de que al principio el bebe9 no responda a este tipo de estedmulo, es importante continuar hable1ndole y cante1ndole.Tan pronto como el bebe9 empieza a entender y usar el lenguaje le gusta jugar juegos usando palabras: ‘bfDf3nde este1 mi nariz?’ o ‘Busquemos la taza’.Dele al bebe9 objetos suaves y anedmelo a devolve9rselos y a pasarlos de una mano a la otra. Debe asegurarse de que los objetos sean lo suficientemente grandes para evitar que el bebe9 se atragante.Realice juegos con los dedos de las manos y de los pies del bebe9.Anedmelo a aplaudir con las manos y a decir ‘adif3s’ con las manos.He1gale una pelota suave para tirar.Dele dos objetos y tome usted otros dos objetos. Golpee un objeto contra el otro y vea si el bebe9 puede imitarlo.Dele una caja y cosas de distintos tamaf1os para meter y sacar de la caja.Esconda algo debajo de una taza o de un pedazo de tela mientras el bebe9 observa y vea si puede encontrarlo.Cue9ntele al nif1o historias sobre la muf1eca.Mue9strele al bebe9 un animal o la imagen de un animal, haga el sonido que hace ese animal y anedmelo a repetir los sonidos.