Discover Singapore Nut & Rice Crisps

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on January 30 2010 | Leave A Comment
Discover Singapore Nut & Rice Crisps

Another pressie from the travelling friends, this box purports to contain a flavour of Singapore by way of these curious little ‘cakes’ of milk chocolate which also contain roasted macadamias and crisped rice.

Discover Singapore Nut & Rice Crisps

There are eighteen pieces in total, each one about eight or nine grams in weight. There’s no indication of coca content, and the nutritional breakdown informs thew consumer that four of these little chaps will provide you with almost a quarter of your RDA of fat!

Further oddness surrounds their origins. Apparently these are made in Hawaii, USA and imported into the country. I’m assuming these were purchased at an airport or somewhere similar, as they have that ‘tourist souvenir’ look to them.

Discover Singapore Nut & Rice Crisps

At first bite they’re not too unpleasant at all. The nut pieces and crispy rice work well to break up the chocolate, and the chocolate isn’t too sweet. A second bite had me rethinking my opinion though. Like a lot of American produced chocolate they soon came across as being very fatty and sugary, with ‘high fructose corn syrup’ and ‘malt flavouring’ striking me as principal culprits in the slightly sickly taste I was getting.

They’re certainly not moreish, at least not to me. One was enough, and the second one ‘to be sure’ just confirmed that what I was eating was not in any way high quality chocolate. I know that I could be accused of being spoiled, but the chocolate in these is probably of lower quality than your average high street chocolate bar, making them something to avoid in my book. I’ve always been wary of confectionery branded as a souvenir, and these confirm why.


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