Dark Chocolate Fruchocs

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on September 29 2009 | Leave A Comment
Dark Chocolate Fruchocs

Way back when, the Kath-that’s-moved-on reviewed the South Aussie classic – the Fruchoc. Go read the review.

There, now, doesn’t that make you feel better? Want one? Difficult because although Mr Robern Menz makes about 67 million of these things each year, but they are not sold all that far and wide. Desperate expats resort to things like relatives to send surreptitious parcels of them around the world.

I’ve been known to make myself sick on Fruchocs, although it’s not the chocolate that causes the trouble, and it does require scoffing down about a whole bagful in a sitting. No, that yummy peach and apricot centre does all the damage. What kind of damage is left to your imagination. Mind you – I used to work with a chap who would go buy a bag from the local vending machine and eat the lot in about 7.3 seconds. Now HE had the constitution of an ox. But I digress.

How, how, could the humble Fruchoc be improved? An impossible task? A herculean effort? Perhaps infuse it with the finest nectar from the rarest flowers, perhaps a shimmer of gold leaf as a coating?

Nah. Use Dark Chocolate.

These little babies are quite a bit harder to find than the regular Fruchoc. The chocolate is 50% cocoa, and in spite of being packed in a plain plastic bag hung off the supermarket shelf, they have been glazed with 904 – whatever that is – which keeps them from having the white marks of chocolate that gets a bit knocked around. So they come out nice and shiny. The chocolate is sweet, but not excessively so, simple, slow melting. And the apricot/peach centre is the same sweet dried-fruit soft-chewy texture that all Fruchocs have.

Stick a pack of these in front of family while they are watching “Inspector Morse” and they are all gone in a flash.



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Comments On This Post

  1. I’ve never had original Fruchocs, but these dark chocolate ones sound like where I should start!

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