Chocolate Pavlovas
Pavlovas – a stable for Australia Day celebrations – this time with a chocolate twist…
Chocolate Pavlova Ingredients
To make around 10 of these you will need…
- 4 eggs (you only need the whites)
- 1 cup (220g) caster (superfine) sugar
- 2 tablespoons cornflour (cornstarch), sifted
- 2 teaspoons white vinegar
- 100g dark chocolate
- 1 cup (250ml) single cream
- 300g seasonal fruit (I used White Peaches)
Preheat oven to 150°C and line two baking trays with non-stick baking paper.
Place the eggwhites in the bowl of an electric mixer and whisk until stiff
peaks form. Gradually add the sugar, whisking well, until the mixture is
stiff and glossy. Add the cornflour and vinegar and whisk until just
Using a half-cup measure, scoop the mixture onto the trays. You can get
fancy and use a piping bag if you wish but just dolloping the mixture onto
the tray works too. Reduce oven to 120°C and bake for 1 hour. Turn the
oven off and allow the pavlovas to cool completely in the oven.
Melt the dark chocolate. Dip the bases of the pavlovas into the melted
chocolate and then place on non-stick baking paper, set aside for 30
minutes or until the chocolate is set.
Whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Spoon the cream over the pavlovas
and then top with fruit (try mango, raspberries, strawberries,
You can also make the little chocolate pieces to put on top using the
left-over chocolate simply by swirling the chocolate from a spoon over a
sheet of baking paper – once the chocolate sets just break off pieces of
your pattern for each pavlova.
Happy Australia Day!
Looks delicious! A nice twist to meringue dipped in chocolate.
how many does it make??????????
10 🙂
well…i made these months ago n added too much old dirty vinegar (oops! didnt know :s) so…?
also added vanilla to the cream…tasted great 🙂 meringue was crispy and sweet n chcolates always great for a chocaholic =D
ermm…any1 know how many these make? wanted 2 make them 2 day but dunno how much it’ll make… 😉 thnx
About 10…
uggh i remember makingg these few monthhs ago….what a disaster ! :L still tasted okayy tho haha