Hotel Chocolat In Truffle Kerfuffle
So, you may already have read about the recent incident involving a Thorntons chocolatier and the squashed Hotel Chocolat truffles. Maybe you read it on the BBC site. Maybe you read it in the Independent.
Or maybe you read it on a blog.
But as amusing (and bemusing) as the incident may have been, it seems Hotel Chocolat aren’t quite as keen to “just move on now” as they would have us believe.
You see, far from moving on, their PR company (Immediate Future Ltd) has been emailing bloggers and casually asking them in passing what they think about the whole incident.
In fact, they are quite clearly trying to stir the whole thing up to generate some positive PR in the blogosphere.
Now, here at Chocablog, we’re happy to review Hotel Chocolat’s wonderful chocolates. We don’t even mind helping them to run competitions free of charge. But we draw the line at being manipulated by a PR company to try to make a rival chocolate company look stupid… because if you ask me, that’s even more childish than going round squashing your competitors’ chocolates in the first place.
Agreed. Though I didn’t receive an email, I guess I’m just not special enough. ;_;
“‘Willy Wonka’ resigns after his meltdown at the chocolate counter”
Sounds like they’re all acting like a bunch of wonkers!
If Hotel Chocolat want to generate more publicity from this incident, maybe they should offer Thornton’s chocolatier a job, seeing as he lost his existing one. I cannot imagine that someone would readily resign over such a silly incident; apologise, pay up and look sorry yes, but resign? It seems a bit strong to me.