Cadbury linked to salmonella outbreak
The UK Health Protection Agency has said contaminated Cadbury’s chocolate was the most likely cause of a recent salmonella outbreak.
36 of 56 cases from March to July could be linked to Cadbury products, despite the firm having claimed that traces of salmonella in its products were ‘minute’ and the recent product recall was purely precautionary, with levels being “significantly below the standard that would be any health problem”.
According to the BBC, Cadbury has “has agreed to improve its testing procedures” and says “a cleaning operation is up and running at the plant”.
Call me old fashioned, but as a consumer, I’d kinda assumed that a major chocolate manufacturer would be making a little effort to keep its factories clean anyway…
- Filed under cadbury.
I don’t even want to know how they determine it was the chocolate bar and not the raw chicken you were munching.
I was reading through your archive posts and I see a lot of Cadbury (yes I read your about and know your UKers ) Do you folks have Scharffen Berger over there? I ask because its a sort of baseline for me… “That was as good a Sharffen Berger bar…blah blah”
Anyway, I’m enjoying your site, keep the info rolling!
I don’t think that’s available in the UK no, but I’ll see if I can get hold of some!