Sesame Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Sesame.
Soma Chocolate And Friends
Flavoured disks from Canada's Soma Chocolate Maker.
Sunita Organic Dark Chocolate Halva
An organic sesame and honey halva with dark chocolate.
Es Koyama Dégustation No. 5
Distinctive flavours of Japan from Es Koyama
Woodhouse Chocolate Salty Savory Bars
A selection of dark chocolate bars flavoured with a myriad of herbs and spices.
Vestri White Chocolate With Sesame & Pink Himalayan Salt
When ‘The Chocolate Society‘ got in touch to offer me a few items for review, he mentioned Vestri White chocolate. “How odd.” I thought, having only quite recently had my first encounter with Vestri and rather enjoyed it. As you …
Golden Days Dark Chocolate Sesame Snaps
I’ve just been to my favourite Foodland supermarket to find Violet Crumbles to review for Chocablog, only to find its already been done. Curses! And while there, horror of horrors, they have rearranged and removed what must be slow-moving stock. …
Camaya 60% Dark Chocolate Slab With Cashew & Sesame
Strange how we Chocabloggers seem to hit ‘runs’ of certain ingredients. Rather like the old cliché about buses, we wait ages for one and then several arrive all at once. Well here we are with another sesame – related chocolate …
Wedel Chałwa Królewska
A week or so before Christmas I went off to our local Vietnamese butcher. The Vietnamese butcher is an off-shoot of the local Vietnamese baker (logical, innit?), and along with really good choice and good customer service they have good …
William Curley Toasted Sesame Chocolate
Earlier this year I was chatting to a chef about chocolate (as you do) and he mentioned William Curley’s name, saying that he had a bit of a reputation as a chocolatier. Jump forward in time a few months and …
Côte d’Or Sesame Noir 70%
My friend Ashleigh and his lovely wife Marie have recently returned from taking their two sons on a four week European holiday. Now, to you US, UK and European readers bear in mind that such a trip from Australia is …