Thorntons Milk Chocolate Coffee Creams

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on October 19 2007 | Leave A Comment

Thorntons Milk Chocolate Coffee Creams

I think I need to stop thinking of Thorntons as a speciality chocolate maker. Or even as a “chocolatier” at all. They’re just another large sweet manufacturer. They’re a public company and their products are mass produced. Their products aren’t bad, but they always seem to be trying a bit too hard to convince you they’re something a bit more special than they actually are.

Take these Thorntons Coffee Creams, for instance. They’re made with a middle-of-the-road 30% chocolate, which looks a little dull, despite the white chocolate decoration. The filling is made with real cream and a whopping 1% coffee, but again, it’s nothing special.

The also come in an awful looking, cheap plastic bag.  But the less said about that, the better.

Thorntons Milk Chocolate Coffee Creams

But for some reason, this 120g bag disappeared within an hour. You see, despite their ordinaryness, they’re incredibly moreish. They’re chocolatey and creamy and coffee-ey and, much like the fruit cremes I tried earlier this week, pretty good.

So perhaps I’ve been giving Thorntons too much of a hard time over their presentation, when I should see them for what they are. Good quality, mass produced, every day chocolates. For grannies.


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Comments On This Post

  1. i love this blog. too bad i only found out this blog last week. but it’s better to be late than never.
    i’m a chocoholic. i’ll always check for more updates. cheers.

  2. river

    I’m a granny, hand over the coffee creams……..

  3. this site made me reach for the chocolate under my desk… yummy!

  4. Sandra

    Which branch of Thorntons did you get these from? I went into my local brach just a few days ago specifically looking for coffee creams and was told they do not do them, also they do not appear to be on the website…Help!

  5. Dom (Chocablog Staff)

    These were from Brent Cross.

  6. anita

    I miss coffee creams in the big tins at christmas …. none of my family like them unlike myself. with thorntons however i get a full bag all to myself yay

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